Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Printing on the Go

So here in the DR people don't have photographs of themselves.  Grace had a project in her class and she had to bring in a picture of our family.  I had one...well a lot of them.  When we were working on the project on "See Your Class" day there were many children that were decorating their frames with no pictures.  Of course this was very sad to me.  Looking back I see where God revealed my gift of photography to me at such a time that I could prepare for days like yesterday.

What you see here is a printer and a cool coffee cup looking adapter that allows me to run this printer from our truck while on site where we are doing ministry.  The pictures print a little slow.  First cyan, then magenta, then yellow, than black.  But the results are amazing!  They are waterproof...which will come in handy.  Best of all they put smiles on kids faces and they run home to show their Mom who may not even have a picture of their child.  This really makes my heart happy!!

So here is new friend.  I asked him his name and the other kids imitated him by making some mumbling sounds and I caught on quick that he can't speak.  He has the sweetest smile and I just fell in love with him.  I took a few pictures but was not prepared to go full tilt with the printer just yet.  Also seeing what happens when you give things to these kids, I realized that a riot could break loose.  Not violent, but excited kids that anxiously wanted what I had to give.

I heard a whisper from the Holy Spirit that said "Do it for Guapo, make him feel extra special today".  So I called him over to the truck and presented him with his picture and the smile he flashed back made my day!  The other kids wanted pictures and I told them "Only Guapo today because he is special".  I am sure when I go back today that they are going to want pictures, so I need a game plan on how I will handle it.  Maybe lock myself in the truck with the AC on and roll the window down just a little to hand them out...LOL!

So today I get to use my gift again, not to make money, but to glorify God by blessing someone with my gift.  What is your gift?  How can you use it to glorify God?  If you don't know it, maybe you need to look into it more.  Your local church may have classes on finding your spirtual gift.  God gave it to you for a purpose and He doesn't like it when we don't use our gifts :)

Be a blessing today,


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