Friday, February 15, 2013


Five Minute Friday

So I came across this through another facebook/blogger friend/fellow missionary momma/wife and I loved reading hers.  I found it over here at Five Minute Friday.  So each Friday you get a word, and you have 5 minutes to write, no editing, just write to write, to spill your heart.  To get out the creativity.  I am scared.  Not sure if it is because of the word BELOVED or if it is the no editing part...because I like to fix my mistakes, I like to perfect things...just right.  So do I change the word, and just do my own thing?  What does it mean to be the BELOVED one?  What does that do to my soul when I hear someone call me that?


Dearly loved.

I didn't always know this word.  No because I wasn't loved.  My Mom loved me well, really well.  She showed me and told me often,  My Dad although we weren't close when I was growing up, he told me when we would see each other.  I don't know what it was, but one day about 8 or 10 years ago, I got to hear about God's love.  It hit me like a ton of bricks.  I couldn't really comprehend it.  I just bawled my eyes out in that church with all those women I didn't know.  It was a Women's Conference.  Kathy Trocolli was sharing God's love.  That God loved me so much, that He sent his Only Son Jesus to earth, then Jesus hung on a cross for my sins, so that I could have everlasting life in Heaven.  I don't know if I just didn't feel worthy of such love.  Or if it was because I finally realized that God wasn't just some finger pointer up in the sky telling me all I did wrong.  But that God was a loving presence that used the finger to motion to me to come closer....because I was his Beloved.


Wow that was quick!!

His Beloved,