Thursday, September 13, 2012

I am not sure who I wrote this for....

As I write this, it is the 11th anniversary of 9/11.  11 years ago I am sure we all know where we were.  We made promises, wanted to change our ways, love better, be nicer, finally do that one thing we had put off.  We may be the lucky ones because although many of our fellow Americans had died, we were not rocked to the core like those who lost loved ones that day.  But we were still effected in some way.  Life became more precious and we weren't quite as safe as we thought we were.

I see "Never Forget" all over facebook today.  I hope this means that we will always remember.  Remember those loved ones that tragically lost their lives.  Remember that life is short, we never know when it is the 9th inning, 2 outs, bases loaded with a full count.  Remember that we are not in control of what happens in our lives.  We are not guaranteed even another second on this earth.

I hope to see memorials to those lost, those that didn't do anything wrong.  I don't want any press given to the ones that did this.  We must remember and we also must forgive.  We must extend mercy to those that wronged us.  Pray for them.  I know this sounds ridiculous if your loved one died in those towers, but this is what we are called to do if we consider ourselves followers of Jesus.  We are only asked to do the things that are done for us by our Heavenly Father.  He loves us unconditionally and we are to love others.

Matthew 22:36-40
New International Version (NIV)

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
This is the first and greatest commandment. 
And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 
All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

No if, and or buts to this.  LOVE.  I know this is sometimes hard and it can only be done with the Holy Spirit in you.  Our human minds cannot understand this concept.  Without Jesus in our heart and  filled with the Holy Spirit we cannot do this one on our own.  Too many times we want to cut and paste the Word of God to create what we think we are able to do, and this is dangerous.  Especially when it comes to this.  Oh I can love this one, but oh that one, no way, too much hurt over there.

This week has been a crazy one for me and along with 9/11 and googling brain aneurysm as my brother-in-law lays in a hospital bed when just the day before he was fully functioning, I am reminded of how life can be cut short in an instant.  I am aware that this is not our home.  This referring to earth.  As a follower of Jesus, this earth is only a temporary stop on a spiritual journey for me.  This earth is satan's playground.  Suffering, tears, disappointment, bankruptcy, death, hatred, greed, divorce, sin, sexual abuse, murder all live here.

On a walk one morning I felt convicted on how I share my faith and that I needed to do more.  A friend recently wonderfully and quickly had to defend her faith and I wasn't sure I could do the same.  I am still growing spiritually.  Well I guess we all are right?  I feel like I have these revelations one day and am fired up for the Lord, and then in the next minute I get distracted (squirrel) and I am off after the latest shiny thing that gets my attention.  I crawl back to God and ask for another spiritual mulligan.  There are days when I don't want to read my bible. I would rather listen to a sermon.  I walk by God as he sits and waits patiently for me, same place, same time each day and I tell Him "Maybe later...".  I am ashamed that I keep making the wrong choices.  This adventure in the wilderness is tough.  There are days I am in the bushes tangled up and I can't find my way out.  Then there are days I come across beautiful streams with deer lapping up the cool water.  There are days that are so dark I can barely see my eyes in front of my face and I practically break my skull on a tree right in front of my face. But I keep going.  I ask for another mulligan.  And I am given one.  Every. Single. Time.

Now even though I am a missionary that doesn't mean that I am holy or better than anyone.  I will admit, I am far, far from that.  I am just a lost soul longing for my eternal home in heaven.  God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called.  Boy is this so true!  When God called me to ministry work I was shocked that He would want to use little ole me to His service.  But He did and He is equipping me with what I need to get His work done.

My greatest struggle has been that I haven't shared the Gospel with anyone.  Well, I don't think I have.  I have fallen back on the words of Francis of Assisi "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words."  I have translated that to say live in such a way that it is obvious that you know the Gospel and your actions show it.  I fall short on this even at times, but I am not doing the first part....Preaching the Gospel at all.  I don't feel I am gifted to be a preacher, but I do need to spread the Good News and tell those about Jesus.  I do feel my gift is story telling and I share my faith through my testimony, experiences and stories, but that isn't the same as Preach the Gospel is it?  

If I had some medicine that could cure whatever illness you had, would you want me to give it to you?  I think that question would get a resounding YES!!  Well what if I know something, that I didn't always know, and I know it now, yet I don't share it?  Wow...pressure!!  That is what I feel like.

I know that there was a man named Jesus Christ.  God is His father and sent Him to earth to save us sinners.  He died on a cross, was buried and three days later He rose from the dead.  I believe that this is true and He died for me and my sins so I can have everlasting life in heaven.  I know that I can't do anything to earn this salvation.  It is His free gift to me.  Once I accept His free gift of grace and believe Jesus is my Savior, I can have a relationship with Him. I am a new creation. At this time and afterwards, whenever I repent of my sins, He forgives them.  All that came before is gone.  I am washed clean.  I have a new beginning.  I am born again.  When God looks at me he sees not my personal righteousness but rather He sees Christ's righteousness instead. Instead of my feeble attempts at goodness He see's Christ's perfection on my behalf.    

That is the Gospel according to my simple little mind.  But I said the prayer, I went up for the alter call, tears streamed down my face thinking am I worthy of such love?  Who is this Jesus?  The God I knew was the disciplinarian, not this loving person I am hearing about.  Why has it taken me so long to get it?  Because I don't think that once I had it, that I knew what to do with it.  Why almost 10 years later am I coming across the sticky note that says "Hey, this is Jesus, and I need a relationship with you"?

I found this this below here, and I think it sums it up nicely....

"Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent" (John 17:3). Most people believe in God, even Satan does. But to receive salvation, we must turn to God, form a personal relationship, turn away from our sins, and follow Him. We must trust in Jesus with everything we have and everything we do. "This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference" (Romans 3:22). The Bible teaches that there is no other way to salvation than through Christ. Jesus says in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Notice that it says:
  1. Turn to God
  2. Form a personal relationship
  3. Turn away from your sins
  4. Follow Him
Go to Him even before you are perfect (which you will never be).  Before you have your act together.  Don't wait until you finish this, or finish that, or do this, or do that.  Now.  If you turn to Him and have that personal relationship He will reveal your sins.  Sometimes you may not have even thought you were sinning.  Through prayer He will reveal them and with the power of the Holy Spirit you won't want to act the same way again.  You will begin to act differently.  You will be convicted to be more Christlike.

That day at the Women's Convention in Cumming, GA the sanctification process began.  By definition sanctification is the process of allowing the holy character of God to be manifested in the behavior of regenerated men.  Joyce Meyer explains it to be much like a pregnancy.  There is a seed planted the day that you commit to Jesus.  No one may even know that you have made this decision.  But the seed is there and it grows.  Just like a real pregnancy there comes a time that you must deliver the baby, or in the life of a believer, share what you know.  Spread the Good News.  Tell your story, give your testimony, share the Gospel, tell others why you have the hope that you do, why you love the unlovable, why you forgive the unforgivable, why are you so different than the others.  Notice I said different...not better?

Only within the last year have I really known about the importance of a personal, intimate relationship with God.  Without this I do not think we can truly be a Christ follower.  If we just go to church and try to be a good person we will still feel empty and unfulfilled.  But without quiet time in discussion with the Lord and reading the Word of God it just doesn't happen.  I didn't get this.  Days that I don't start my day with the Lord I see how I can slowly slip back into my old life.  Slowly, without even noticing, the enemy tries to claim me back.  I will admit, that old life was easier.  I even have purposely tried to avoid the spiritual attacks that happen to me only when I am right with God and seem to disappear when I am far away.  I forget that I may suffer for the Lord. The enemy will try to ruin my day.  Little by little I will become the most ungodly person I know.  Small things will bother me and I will exhibit behavior that I am ashamed of and must confess over and over and over.  I can't do it alone.  I may wake up in the morning and say "Today I am only going to speak sweetness to my spouse and children".  But without first starting my day in prayer, repentance, thanksgiving and communion with the Lord I am sure to fail.  I can't do it alone, and as soon as I speak that "I" am going to try, I will fail.  I must invite the Holy Spirit to fill me, and with the Holy Spirit in me, I can use His words in speaking sweetness to everyone.

Question: "Is Jesus the only way to Heaven?" from this website, says it better than I can....

Answer: "I'm basically a good person, so I'll go to heaven." "OK, so I do some bad things, but I do more good things, so I'll go to heaven." "God won't send me to hell just because I don't live by the Bible. Times have changed!" "Only really bad people like child molesters and murderers go to hell."

These are all common rationalizations, but the truth is that they are all lies. Satan, the ruler of the world, plants these thoughts in our heads. He, and anyone who follows his ways, is an enemy of God (1Peter 5:8). Satan is a deceiver and often disguises himself as someone good (2 Corinthians 11:14), but he has control over all the minds that do not belong to God. "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God" (2 Corinthians 4:4).

We are either following God or we are attached to satan's puppet strings.  We are either on Team Jesus or we are on Team satan.  By not making a decision you are by allowing satan to control your mind.  He will deceive you.  He will make you believe that success, money, a big house, a beautiful car...these are things that are important.  As it says above but he has control over all the minds that do not belong to God.

So, that medicine I was talking is a relationship with Jesus.  It is more than being a fan, it is about being a follower. It is about digging into the Word of God for yourself.  These are just my thoughts, and you must find your own way.  But I suggest the following based on wishing I knew this back, read and read the Bible some more.  Study. Rely on the Word of God above everything else!  Be careful of starting out with your friend's recommendation of their latest favorite Christian book.  Your favorite on-line pastor may even have it wrong.  Your parents may have it wrong.  Your wife may have it wrong.  Once you read the Word yourself, you can distinguish what is Truth and what is NOT.  Rely on the whispers from God while you are praying and worshiping and reading His Holy Word.  That day, I think I can call the day I was saved, I didn't know what to do with it.  I didn't have anyone to disciple me.  So I did nothing and that is dangerous.  I regularly went to church on Sundays and I tried to be a nice person.  I did find it difficult to read the Bible at first.  First mistake was that I opened to page one and started to read.  Not always the best way.  I think it is good to start with the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  I used a great website or app called You Version, you can find a link here.  They have many reading plans and versions of the Bible.  I had a hard time understanding the Bible at first.  I would read and start daydreaming, suddenly remembering things I needed to do, (squirrel....shiny thing) and I would read pages, and then not even know what I read.  Then I heard about The Message version of the Bible.  My husband gave me a dual Bible with The Message on one side of the page and the NIV version on the other side.   Buy the book or the app Jesus Calling.  It is a quick daily devotional that will help you understand how much Jesus loves you.  I bought my Son The Action Bible and it is great for even us adults who think we got the story the first time.  Start reading with your kids and you can learn right along side them!  Even if you can quote 743 bible verses and have read the Bible 249 times, it is still the relationship that is the most important thing.  We can be a fan and know everything there is to know, but there is still nothing like the intimate time in the Word and in prayer and this is where the relationship builds.

Matthew 7:21-23 warns us....

 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'

"I never knew you"


Please, make sure He knows who you are.  Please.

He won't know you unless you spend intimate time in His Word and prayer.  I read a book that was helpful called Confession of a Prayer Slacker, this may be the best $2.99 I have ever spent!!

I once spent about 7 days around a young man who I am still amazed at.  It wasn't until after his death at just 16 years old did I really get to know about him and his walk with the Lord.  His name is Holt Rowland and he makes me want to be a better follower.  Here is an earlier post with more info if you want to read more.  Here is a video I made for his family on the one year anniversary of his trip to heaven.  If you have about 12 minutes, you can see what I was talking about above in action.

I would love to hear from you, if you want to send me a message you can do so at

In His Grip,


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