Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sweet Elvis

This is Elvis (far right) with his friend Samuel and my beautiful, sweet friend Whitney (even though we had just walked and she would say she is hot and sweaty) this morning on the beach in Boca Chica.  This little boy was in my mind last night.  I had never met him until this morning.  This morning as he awoke, eyes still sleepy.  His arm tucked in his shirt for warmth and protection from the mosquitos.  His dark, beautiful skin covered in a light layer of beach sand.  He peeked out from atop a stack of blue beach chairs.  On the beach.  This is where he sleeps.  Today he didn't have his blanket that he hides during the day while he shines shoes.  Today he had a bucket and some white paint on him.  I figure he does what he needs to do to make it another day.  By himself.

Yesterday Whitney had told me about him over lunch.  She and her hubby Dave met him when they were walking the beach right before the storm Isaac hit the DR.  He told them his story, that he was Haitian orphan who sometimes lived with his Grandmother, but would rather sleep on the beach in order to avoid her abusiveness.  One of the restaurant owners told Dave and Whitney that this boy is not like the other orphans that are just tigres (thieves).  This boy is different, he is special.

I laid awake last night because I knew about this boy and could only imagine what it must be like to be that young and not have a home, parents, possessions, or love.  What could I do?  How could I know and not do something.  It breaks my heart.  I know he is not the only boy like this.  There are children all over the world, even the USA that have similar stories.  But I didn't know their stories.  I only had heard about a little boy named Elvis.  Now I have looked into his sweet innocent eyes and I can't help but want to run back to that beach and bring him home for a shower, a hot meal, some fresh, clean clothes, and a hug.  I would want to tell him that it is all going to be OK.  God loves him and has a plan for his life.  I can't get him out of my mind.

If you have some time today, can you please pray for Elvis?  Please pray that God will reveal what we can do for this boy.  My mind has already started thinking, scheming of a plan to help this boy.

In His Grip,
Jodi (with a pile of tears gathering on my chest as I write)


  1. Jodi - thank you so much for posting this boy's story. Let's pray that God shows us what in the world to do for him, and the other stories that walk through the doors of our lives and hearts. Thank you God for a sister in Christ here with a heart as big as they come.

  2. Praying for Elvis and you too as I know your heart will tell you what to do. You are such a gift to all those that you meet in the DR. Sending prayers your way.

    Jennifer F
