Saturday, November 15, 2014


Today as I read Anne's latest amazingness (man she has a gift people!)

I got to thinking....


Living thankfully

Thankful for EVERYTHING

Thankful for the tough stuff. Thankful for infertility, medical problems, pain, disappointments, sleeplessness nights, worrying, lost dreams, hard times, loneliness, depression, confusion, marital problems, debt, house actions, repair bills.

It is easy to be thankful for the easy things, the pretty thing, the good things. But to be thankful for the bad. That takes something special. Someone special. Jesus

Without the bad, we wouldn't know how good GOOD really feels. Without 5 years of infertility one wouldn't know HOW GOOD a baby's head smells after a bath. Or how good a baby's cry in the night sounds. Because before there was just silence in the night.

Today I am thankful for the mess of crayons on the floor and endless Legos I hopefully see before I step on one. I need to remember this the next time I get angry for the mess. And remember it could be different. No crayons, no Legos, nobody to make the mess. Yes, I am thankful today for the mess.

Thankful for all the messes. The messy days when I could barely stand my own tongue. Thankful that I was convicted. Thankful that there was a different way. Thankful. PERIOD.

Thankful for delivery from the darkness. Thankful for the light. Thankful for the Word. Thankful for God's patience with me. Thankful for sanctification. And second chances. For unending fogiveness. Thankful. Thank. FULL.

In His Grip,

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