Tuesday, August 28, 2012

252 square feet

Today we met with Mrs. Perez about building her a new home in Boca Chica, Dominican Republic in a couple of weeks.  Her teenage son spends countless days with my husband Michael in our Fellowship of Christian Athletes ministry here in the DR.  Her two little girls play outside in a cardboard box with a couple of real toys.  Her other son sucks on two fingers, listening in on the conversations about where we will place the rooms in his new house.  The older sister, who has the best smile, peeks out the front door to watch the 8 of us plus the contractor discuss the project.  Another brother comes and goes as we continue to discuss when to pour the floor slab over the uneven rock bed that we stand on.

Mrs. Perez lives in a house that is 252 square feet.  She has 6 children and a husband.  8 people in 252 square feet.  3 beds, 1 sofa, a makeshift kitchen and a toilet.  No shower, no where for 8 people to sit and eat dinner together.  One window.  She cooks outside on a single burner fueled by wood.  She always has a smile.  

She seemed shocked when we asked where she wanted the kitchen.  She looked overwhelmed.  She loves Jesus and I am sure she can't see how she is getting a new home built for her and her family.  Now when 8 people go to sleep at night, they won't only be in 3 beds in 252 square feet.  She will almost have double that space.  Bedrooms for her children, they will no longer have fabric partitions separating the modest living room from the sleeping areas.  I don't know what was going through her mind, but I am sure she was thinking that God was providing for her family, and she was blessed.

One of the little girls playing in a box, I think she is 3 or 4.

Here is a video of the house so you can get an idea of what we are working with

How can you help?  Well we are raising $10,000 to fund this housing project (they own the land already, and we are tearing down the existing home).  This afternoon we are a few thousand dollars away from raising what we need for this project.

Go to SERVE International's website and choose "Build a Home" and you can donate money there.  We also have a couple of spots if you want to come to the DR on a mission trip and help build the house.  Contact me and I can give you more information.  Two trips are coming here the week of September 17th or 24th.  100% of your donation goes to this project.  Just think, if you skip 2 dinners out with your family and easily give $100 without really missing anything.


Thank you ahead of time for considering helping this family!

Jodi Shaheen

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