Saturday, November 15, 2014


Today as I read Anne's latest amazingness (man she has a gift people!)

I got to thinking....


Living thankfully

Thankful for EVERYTHING

Thankful for the tough stuff. Thankful for infertility, medical problems, pain, disappointments, sleeplessness nights, worrying, lost dreams, hard times, loneliness, depression, confusion, marital problems, debt, house actions, repair bills.

It is easy to be thankful for the easy things, the pretty thing, the good things. But to be thankful for the bad. That takes something special. Someone special. Jesus

Without the bad, we wouldn't know how good GOOD really feels. Without 5 years of infertility one wouldn't know HOW GOOD a baby's head smells after a bath. Or how good a baby's cry in the night sounds. Because before there was just silence in the night.

Today I am thankful for the mess of crayons on the floor and endless Legos I hopefully see before I step on one. I need to remember this the next time I get angry for the mess. And remember it could be different. No crayons, no Legos, nobody to make the mess. Yes, I am thankful today for the mess.

Thankful for all the messes. The messy days when I could barely stand my own tongue. Thankful that I was convicted. Thankful that there was a different way. Thankful. PERIOD.

Thankful for delivery from the darkness. Thankful for the light. Thankful for the Word. Thankful for God's patience with me. Thankful for sanctification. And second chances. For unending fogiveness. Thankful. Thank. FULL.

In His Grip,

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What is your God love language?

So the other day when I was meeting for book club with two sweet friends, we were discussing "how to you draw close to God?"  How do you feel the closest to God?  I was reminded of a book I read a while back by Gary Chapman called God Speaks Your Love Language (I think this is the updated version of The Five Love Languages of God).

Learn how you can give and receive God's love through the five love languages:

words of affirmation

quality time
acts of service 
physical touch

We were talking, and all three of us said we felt close to God through music...which would fall under words of affirmation.  I love music.  Even before I loved Jesus I loved music.  I love how it can bring you up and make you just want to smile and dance.  And I also love how it can bring me to weeping and just touch me in a way I didn't know I needed to be touched.  I remember one time I was listening to I Can Only Imagine, I was in my office in Duluth, GA.  I remember it so vividly.  As I listened to those words I just imagined being with God.  I think the songwriter meant when we are with Jesus after we die, but I started to think about it more in the present moment.  I thought of it as in my relationship with Him was growing and I was listening to the words, 

I can only imagine what it will be like

When I walk by Your side
I can only imagine what my eyes will see
When Your face is before me
I can only imagine 

and at that time I was picturing myself by His side but on earth that day and seeing His face before me.  Wow, I love that!

I used that song to remember a very special person, Holt Rowland in this post on our FCA Blog, and with Holt's 4th Anniversary of going to be with Jesus being this week, I find it fitting to share this again.  I love Holt's parents Kim and Dave to pieces.  I love their hearts and their faith and understanding surrounding their son's death.  I love how Dave says " I try to look at it as we haven’t lost him we just don’t have him right now. Holt is with Jesus waiting on us and still at work here on earth". We are working now with the Rowlands and their foundation The Holt Rowland Foundation to bring more to Christ through Holt's story.  I would love to tell you more, and I will, but for now check out Kim's writing, you will be blessed for sure!  I want to be the first in line to buy her book!

I have a couple of favorites now a days, take a listen....

Fix my Eyes - King and Country

Forest Fire - Josh Wilson

Hillsong - Oceans


God just wants us to love Him and spend time with Him, and however we get closer to Him, He is happy!

In His Grip,


Saturday, November 8, 2014

What the world needs now...

I have had so many things running around in my head that I want to write blogs on, but every time I think about what I want to write I feel like I don't have the time, or maybe the words to get it all out.  Over the last few months a lot of things (good and bad) have been going on in my life.  I am so thankful for these things, yes even the bad, because I am a new and better person because of them!  I am going to write more often about certain things that I have found super helpful, some aha moments, share some cool graphics I have made, a cool tip, maybe a photo...just take time doing more quick posts than some deep, long reads, cause "who has time for dat?".

So here goes...15 minutes of truth.  Start timer, check!  GO

So I heard something in a conference I attended recently (confession I just hit pause and went to look where I wrote down some good stuff, and can't find it so I don't know if it was really at the conference, but I am going to give the credit to my awesome new friend Vickie anyway - unpause) that really hit home for me.

Be careful where you get your Truth because the world (church, preachers, media, internet) gets God's Truth wrong a lot of the time.

This was like a smack upside my head....DUH, aha moment.  Man, THIS is why the world is such a mess.  When I was a new believer I didn't read the Bible for myself.  I relied on sermons, and on books ABOUT the Bible by other people I didn't really know except they sold a lot of books, what other people had to say, about their interpretation of the Bible.  I didn't realize the importance of reading God's word FOR myself, so that it could come alive for ME.  So that I could HEAR from GOD in His voice through the pages of HIS BOOK, His story...the Bible.  I know this seems so trivial and simple.  But really, confession time here...I didn't read my Bible for myself until I arrived in the Dominican Republic to become a missionary (3 1/2 years ago).  GASP!  I know, crazy huh?  I just didn't know.  When you know better...then you can DO BETTER!

If we don't read God's word and let it marinate and soak in, shoot even read it a TON of times, we don't get filled with HIS TRUTH.  If we allow the news, the media, or the world be our way to the GOOD NEWS, we will be contaminated by UNTRUTH and a lot of times just BAD NEWS.

When we don't read REAL truth found in the BIBLE,we won't know when the world is lying to us.  If we rely on what the world says we will more than likely think that we are independent, we don't need anyone or anything and WE are in control of our lives.  We will be tricked into believing that money and things are most important .  We will sacrifice our family and even our lives to achieve a better job, more money, and more things.

I am here to tell you that I had a beautiful house, a job I loved, my husband was a baseball coach (whose team won 3 back-to-back-to-back state championships) and teacher at a prestigious private school,, we had one child in that amazing school and another to attend in a couple of years, we had 2 cars, I got my hair colored every 14 weeks for ALOT of money...basically we didn't lack for anything.  Now we are missionaries in a 3rd world country, all of our money comes 100% from God through amazing donors that truly believe in what we do and send us money to make it happen, we lost our house through some tough circumstances and we gave away pretty much all of our belongings to friends and even some things to complete strangers.  I say all this not to brag or make you feel bad.  I say all this to say that without the things of the world that make us feel worthy and worth something (house, stuff and money) I have never felt more rich!  We don't have any money in savings, we have bills that are more than we planned, we have a beautiful house that we rent and I feel like I have truly found complete happiness and joy living under God's wing.  I am completely dependent on Him.  I am not in control and HE is and that makes me feel free!

Time is up!

I hope you take away from this that GOD'S WORD is important.  Put down your smart phone and pick up a BOOK called THE BIBLE that will make you smarter in life than any phone ever will.  My friend Vickie said something like this...."You shower daily with soap, so make sure you WASH DAILY with GOD'S WORD".  I love that!  I don't want to go a day without GOD'S word, because without HIS truth, my life can smell pretty stinky!

I love you that read my mind ramblings!  Thank you!

In His Grip,
